Aibu ya Lukuvi na degree ya Kununua


LUKUVI CV yake inapatikana hapa inasema kuwa amesoma Washington International University na ana master kutoka Distance learning dar es salaam sasa jiulize.
Ikiwa degree hiyo haikubaliki duniani je Alikubalika vipi kusoma master? maana haikubaliki hata kwa kuombea kazi kwani waanzilishi wenyewe wanasema kuwa wao ni wajasirimali tu sio kwa ajili ya kutoa elimu.
Mnategemea mtu huyu atasema maneno gani?
Maelezo kutoka Website ya hicho chuo cha mke na mume na pia wikipedia kwa ufupi
Washington International University is an unaccredited institution of higher education founded in 1994 and currently incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. It describes itself as a “university without borders,” serving clients from around the world via distance education.
The name “Washington International University” is used in promotional materials for other unaccredited distance learning institutions. As recently as October 2012, the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization stated on its website that WIU is located in the British Virgin Islands and that its degrees are not recognized.
the Michigan Civil Service Commission lists WIU among unaccredited institutions “from which degrees will not be accepted to satisfy educational requirements indicated on job specifications.
The school offers “traditional” and “accelerated” degree programs.The accelerated degree program allows completion of any degree within one year. For the accelerated program, according to the university’s website, “There are no textbooks to read, curriculum to follow or formal exams to take.”
The school was founded in the mid-1990s and, as of 1998, was incorporated in Hawaii and the British Virgin Islands, although it was based in Pennsylvania and owned by Yil Karademir, of Lower Merion, Pennsylvania, who ran the university with his wife. Karademir explained to the Inquirer that we “We are entrepreneurs, we are not educators.”
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